Winter 2023 edition coming soon!
Sunday, January 29th, 2023
The next edition of the Research Network Newsletter will be sent to all members in early February. It includes reviews and selected photos of the Autumn Lunch at the Royal Air Force Club and of the AGM and Christmas Drinks held in December. (A much bigger collection of photos of both events is available in our Gallery: Autumn Lunch / Christmas Party.
The Newsletter will also carry a synopsis of Graham Mytton’s NED Talk held in September. Further articles bring readers up to date with the Network’s other activities and those of organisations including the Tony Cowling Foundation and the Market Research Benevolent Association. Regular items from Peter Bartram and Jane Bain can be found alongside contributions from Phil Barnard, Paul Edwards and Nick Moon. It also includes tributes to Len Marchant and Rodney Dick.
Past editions of the Newsletter are available here, but for the next few months the most recent edition is available exclusively by email to members.