Jade On – Research Hero
Thursday, September 28th, 2023
Network member Jade On has been named by the MRS as one of its Research Heroes for 2023. Jade, who joined the Network last year, is currently Business Development Director at Perspective Research Services but has worked in a number of roles since starting out as a CATI interviewer at the age of 17. She said she felt “extremely honoured to be awarded such a grand title”.
According to ResearchLive, Jade was nominated because “no matter the deadline or quotations she is working on, colleagues and clients alike are met with patience, time, and honesty, whether on the phone, via teams, by email, or in person. […] Jade always finds time to make you feel human, and valued as a person as well as a colleague, which is priceless”.
The MRS launched the Research Heroes programme in 2021 to “spotlight unsung individuals in the research sector”. The programme is described on the MRS website as celebrating“ individuals who do not necessarily qualify for professional recognitions such as Fellowships, but who have given exceptional service to the sector or who have done something amazing for their colleagues or stakeholders.”
Read more on the Research Heroes programme and on Jade and this year’s other nominees at https://www.research-live.com/article/news/mrs-names-2023-research-heroes/id/5114513.