AMSR News March 2017
Monday, March 27th, 2017
The Archive of Market and Social Research celebrated its first year of operation as a charity in February. The occasion was marked by a social event at the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, with the volunteers and sponsors who have helped to establish the Archive.
You can read all about this event and other news in the recently published 6th AMSR Newsletter.
The archive has made excellent progress in the past 12 months. The funding target for 2016-17 has now been reached, enabling the Archive to deposit its first batch of content in its new home at the History of Advertising Trust.
Sue Nosworthy is now running volunteer teams to work on scanning documents and collecting material, as well as promoting the archive and communicating with supporters and sponsors.
With the help of Ed Ross, the Archive is now also starting to collect ‘ephemera’. This is loosely defined as material which illustrates who the industry was, how it presented itself and how it functioned as a community, including: Programmes and other materials for conferences, courses and industry events; promotional gifts and materials; newspaper articles or cartoons about the industry; interviewing paraphernalia. As well as photos and other ephemera showing the lighter side of the industry.