A breath of fresh air…
Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020
COVID has caused us to cancel both our Spring Lunch and our Summer Party but we haven’t given up on our social activities. The first of our Network Evening Drinks talks – NED talks, for short – took place on Wednesday 17th June when Nigel Spackman brought us the fresh and bracing air of the Scottish Highlands.
Peaks of over 3000 feet in Scotland are known as Munros; there are 282 of them and Nigel has climbed (or ‘bagged’) every single one of them. His talk on this achievement, supported by some glorious photos, was genuinely fascinating and peppered with his own uniquely dry wit.
Members who missed it can contact Gill Wareing for a recording of the talk, which will be available until 15th July.
Our plan is to hold one of these events every month for the foreseeable future, with talks from Network members on a wide range of topics. The next one will be on Wednesday 15th July, when Jackie Dickens will speak on the topic ‘Life is too short to drink bad wine – 10 tips on how to get good wine’. For details, please see the Events section of our website at https://www.research-network.org.uk/events/current-events/