Life is to short to drink bad wine….
Saturday, July 18th, 2020
Unable to run our usual social programme, the Research Network has launched a series of Network Evening Drinks talks – NED talks, for short. The latest of these took place on Wednesday 15th July when Jackie Dickens brought us her tips for finding good wine.
Under the title ‘Life is too short to drink bad wine – ten tips on how to get good wine’, Jackie’s talk did just that and more. These ten tips were wrapped up in a fascinating presentation tackling matters such as pricing, grape varieties, climatic and geographic conditions, with a touch of terroir thrown in for good measure.
There followed a lively discussion with questions and comments ‘from the floor’ – the floor in question comprising over 40 members and guests. Members who missed the event or would like to have full details can contact Gill Wareing for a copy of the slides and/or a recording of the talk, which will be available until 19th August.
Our plan is to hold one of these events every month for the foreseeable future, with talks from Network members on a wide range of topics. The next one will be on Wednesday 19th August, when Nick Tanner will speak on the topic ‘What happens to Jamie Oliver in translation?’. For details, please see the Events section of our website at